,29Th Gb.Baroque Bell Ornament (Heart Finial). Silver Plated. Msrp $67.50
Give an outsanding gift by selecting this exquisite item. Founded in the year 1815, Wallace Silversmiths has been a mass producer of flatware & holloware items made of silver plated, stainless steel and sterling
Pattern: ORW 2023 WALLACE

Item #: 21408522
21 in stock.

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,31St Heart, Grande Baroque Ornament. Sterling. 3.25" Wide, 3.75" High. Msrp $255.00
This is an exquiste gift item that will be the talk of any gathering or party. Founded in the year 1815, Wallace Silversmiths has been a mass producer of flatware & holloware items made of silver plated, stainless steel and sterling
Pattern: ORW WALLACE 2022

Item #: 21193504
11 in stock.

Click to enlarge